Park Region and its affiliates (Otter Tail Telcom, Rothsay Telephone Company, and Valley Telephone Company), herein referred to as Park Region Companies, have been monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation very closely, and we’re implementing actions to protect the safety of our employees, customers, and network integrity. Internet and phone connectivity are a necessity for our daily lives at work and at home, especially during this crisis. This is why Park Region Companies have initiated plans to reduce the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) to its employees and customers. The following steps are being taken to help mitigate as much unnecessary risk as possible:

COVID-19 Service Option

Park Region and its affiliated companies understand the importance a home Internet connection is to students and professionals.  During this time of uncertainty, many public agencies, private businesses and schools are asking staff and students to remain home in the interest of personal and public safety.

FRS Scholarship Opportunity

In 2019, the Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) will be awarding $125,000 in scholarships in honor of the Foundation’s 25th Anniversary! Each year, the foundation gives out $2,500 scholarships to an exceptional group of rural students for their first year of college or vocational school.

Welcome to the thoughtful home.

You don’t have to look very far to find, hear about or see an ad for Smart Home products. So why all the interest anyway and why now? Actually, the first real smart home device, the Echo IV, a grocery shopping list computer was created in the mid 1960’s. This is of course was long before the Internet become a service available to the public and personal computing was feasible.